Recently I encountered a new friend at Facebook who happens to live just minutes from me. She’s familiar with and is planning to attend the Awesome Women’s Hub Tour stop in Riverside, CA this July (2011) and thinks it might be perfect for me to attend as well. Yesterday we met for coffee at 9am and talked until noon, when we both needed to run to catch up with pressing schedules. Although I’m not sure I’m fully ready to ‘sponsor’ anything, after listening to Denise talk about the event … I’m almost positive I don’t want to miss it, so I’ll probably register soon.
We spent those three hours getting acquainted by sharing our stories, noting places of intriguing & unexpected ‘connection’ … like her growing up in Grand Rapids, Michigan where my mom lived before moving to California with her family and both of us winding up on our knees in 1989 when our lives fell apart and we were left wondering what happened. One expansive gift I carried with me long after was that of seeing my labyrinth writing through her eyes … as ‘art’ … not simply words on the page written slowly in a confusing convoluted form. Perhaps I don’t need to hire a typist after all? Time will tell …
I hurried home, quickly changed into more casual clothes and headed in to get my hair cut in Signal Hill … anxiously keeping my eye on the needle of the gas tank gauge sitting just above the red line … knowing I didn’t have time to stop for gas on the way … hoping I’d arrive with enough fuel left to get myself to Costco to fill up … fearing I’d run dry and have to call the Auto Club instead.
That probably would have happened if I’d headed to Costco in Los Alamitos (as intended), but when I mentioned my dilemma to Lee Magallanes at Encore Hair Studio (who cuts & perms my hair regularly and has done for YEARS making my life so much simpler), he reminded me of a Costco at the Lakewood Mall, so that’s where I went instead.
Eighteen plus gallons and eighty plus dollars later (YIKES!!!), I breathed a sigh of relief and stopped at my sister’s house on the way home, checked out her new flooring & visiting briefly before continuing to Mimi’s Cafe in Long Beach where I stopped for a late lunch/early dinner … and to pick up 4 free muffins using a coupon 😉
Upon arriving home, I put left-overs in the fridge, muffins in the freezer, fed the fur-kids. brewed a cup of white tea and sat down at the Sony laptop to fill out my ‘weekly progress update’ for the Get Your Work Out There two-week ‘intensive’ training with Samantha & Steve … which took longer than necessary because I was unable to turn off my obsessively critical inner editor. I’ve made a note to myself to print the report form, fill it out by hand, then scan to send in from now on. I’m sure that will ‘work’ much better.
I tried to watch THE VOICE, a new ‘tv favorite’ right up there with So You Think You Can Dance, but dozed off … so I turned off the television and slept soundly. I awakened just after 3am, arose, fed the fur-kids, brewed Kona coffee in my Keurig machine (a gift I’m grateful to have given myself) and wrote for almost 3 hours before checking email and Facebook.
This morning my heart goes out to all those affected by the fires raging in Arizona (and weather related challenges world wide). I was relieved to hear from a dear friend in Placitas, New Mexico that they’re okay, but the photos she shared reminded me of personal experiences with fires here in Southern California … where the sky turns an ominous orangy brown that makes you want to stop breathing entirely. I’m praying for relief and rain, hoping you’ll join me.
For quite some time now, I’ve used the Maitri Meditation daily. It centers me and opens up a wider space of compassionate concern for self, others, and the world. Recently with so many real challenges all over the world, it has become a walking meditation … a prayer for all of us.
May we be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be peaceful.
May you live with ease.
There’s more, of course, but I have things I want to accomplish and time is fleeting … so that’s where I am today. How about you?
Thought for Today
“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” George Bernard Shaw