My Shero’s Journey continues …

I continue here from yesterday’s post with parts 6 and 7 of the 7 labyrinth pieces created for this series:
6 – The journey led me …
7 – Many are called and waking up …

Click play to hear me read this piece (2:18)

Click play to hear me read this piece (1:40)

So … the challenge remains. Methinks it’s time for those of us who choose to embark on the Shero’s Journey to:

  • find ways we can nurture ourselves and become more comfortable with NOT knowing, calming our minds to move at the pace of guidance with certainty of purpose while surrendering to surprise (as Christina Baldwin suggests in The Seven Whispers of Wisdom*)
  • explore the unfamiliar territory with courage and tenacity at a sustainable pace … (resting & relaxing needed to keep ourselves healthy & whole)
  • experiment with playful innovative and unexpected ways of bringing feminine energy into our male dominated culture “forcing nothing and holding nothing back’ … individually and collaboratively
  • give ourselves permission to make mistakes without beating ourselves (or others) up, learning & self-correcting as we go
  • lean into that which scares us … surrendering our fears to the Divine energy within and around us to
  • reclaim our power and return to love with a fierceness of a lioness protecting her cubs

This  is, after all, what what’s needed if we want to leave a world for our children that is more nurturing and sustainable than the one we inherited from ours … isn’t it?

*You can read more about these Seven Whispers in this previous post at my Labyrinth Journal website: Writing as Meditation  … I add them here as well:
Christina Baldwin shares what she calls ‘A Spiritual Practice for Times Like These’ in the Seven Whispersthat includes the following:

  • “Maintain peace of mind
  • Move at the pace of guidance
  • Practice certainty of purpose
  • Surrender to surprise
  • Ask for what you need and offer what you can
  • Love the folks in front of you
  • Return to the world”

A closing note I’ve shared before:
For quite some time now, I’ve used the Maitri Meditation daily. It centers me and opens up a wider space of compassionate concern for self, others, and the world. Recently with so many real challenges all over the world, it has become a walking meditation … a prayer for all of us.
May we be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be peaceful.
May you live with ease.

I’d love to learn about ways you’ve discovered that help you on your Shero’s Journey and hope you’ll share.

I close with the same Thought for Today as on the past two days:

“How might your life have been different, if, deep within, you carried an image of the Great Mother? And when things seemed very, very, bad you could imagine that you were stitting in the lap of the Goddess … held tightly, embraced at last. And that you could hear her saying to you, ‘I love you … I love you and need you to bring forth your self.'”

Judith Duerk, Circle of Stones


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2 Responses to My Shero’s Journey continues …

  1. Pingback: … more about My Shero’s Journey | Giraffe Journal

  2. Pingback: Groundhog Day and the Shero’s Journey | Giraffe Journal

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