I awoke at 2:22am (glancing at the clock brought to mind a television show from the past called Room 222 about which I have fond memories) and I rolled over hoping to sleep a bit longer, but that was not to be. I arose about 20 minutes later, made coffee, fed the fur-kids, then sat down to write. Around 5:30 I felt hungry but didn’t want to cook anything so I took a shower, washed my hair, and walked downtown (carrying my journal so I could write more if the muse remained with me) to eat at a local IHOP instead. On the way I found a penny in the first block and picked it up, reminding myself that ‘all day I’d have good luck’ … then a few blocks later I found a dime and laughed at my good fortune because both the coins felt like reminders of abundance all around me.
While at the restaurant, I chatted with the waitress who is fascinated by my labyrinth writing … wrote a bit more, ate two pancakes with two pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs, then wrote some more before heading home. As I rounded the corner at my street, I stopped to visit briefly with neighbors then headed home to get ready for the twice monthly Beyond Mindset Village call with Christine Kloser (scheduled on the first & third Mondays) and noticed an email from Christine about a new BONUS for Platinum Pass members of the Transformational Author Experience! She’s added 6 monthly coaching calls scheduled on the last Tuesday of the month from June through November … totally FREE! I laughed aloud at the ‘unexpected gift of additional support’ as I write my book with the intention of submitting a proposal to the contest associated with this program.
I’ve listened to THREE calls with Christine today (one for Beyond Mindset Village and two for Transformational Authors) … the first two of which were 90 minutes long (with about a half hour break), and the third call was more than two hours long because she promised to answer ALL questions asked … and there were more than 144 questions in the Q&A box on the webcast. What a trooper she is! Energetic to the end for sure and so positive through it all. I’m full-up with practical information and ready for what comes next, but right now I’m about to take Molly out to play, then go for another walk to clear my head … this one along the beach. I’ll write more about the calls another time.
I hope YOU’RE having an amazing day too! If you’re struggling or facing challenges, may I suggest you stop to count your many blessings … naming them one by one … even writing them down. It could lift YOUR spirit 😉
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