Tag Archives: unexpected

How did it get to be MARCH and what’s happening right now …

I spotted this sign some years agoin a small town near Taos, New Mexico and believe it accurately describes my life of late. Click to embiggen the image if it’s too small to read. I’ve been writing, reading, gardening, taking … Continue reading

Posted in AboutMe, labyrinth journal writing, progress update | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

A Delightful Evening at Z’Tejas

As you may remember, I’ve started saying the following several times each day: “I’m Open To Receive and Willing to Accept All that the Universe has to Offer Me” … so last Sunday afternoon when an invitation to a ‘complimentary … Continue reading

Posted in AboutMe, stories | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments