Wonderful Opportunity for Creative Folks on Short Notice

Do you know my friend Samantha Bennett from The Organized Artist Company? Because if you don’t, I think you might dig her – she’s really inspiring & funny & cool and has a way of getting you really motivated. And she works especially with smart, creative types.

She has a new & totally free preview webinar/teleclass coming up that I think you’ll love.  It’s all about “Shadow Goals” – you can read more about what she says those are below —

——> Click here to register for free & you’ll get the recording, too.  Sam always offers incredibly practical content on these free calls from the get-go, so you’ll want to arrive on time and listen to the recording after.

The Five Symptoms of the Insidious Shadow Goal

1) Every time you think about this goal you feel kind of…bad
You don’t feel inspired or energized, you feel heavy and overwhelmed. Feels like chaos inside.

2) It’s a “getting-ready-to-get-ready” Goal
“I can’t get my new website up until I get a new photo of myself and I can’t get a new photo of myself until I lose weight and I can’t lose weight until I can afford to join a new gym so…” (sound familiar?)

3) You have vision boards or other inspirational tools that are just making you feel tired when you look at them.
The index cards from the screenplay you’re not writing, the collage that just feels like it’s mocking you, the quote on the bathroom mirror that’s starting to aggravate you are all signs that there’s a Shadow Goal somewhere nearby.

4) When you think about that Goal you get that awful “failure” feeling
That’s the worst – when something you truly want in your life all of a sudden starts to feel like an indication that you are not doing well enough. Like somehow the fact that you want to write a book but haven’t lifted a pencil yet is a commentary on your entire existence.

5) And the number one sign of a Shadow Goal is…
You haven’t done anything about it. You are stuck. Confused. Anxious. Defeated. Overwhelmed.

Well it’s time we chased your Shadow Goals away!

Join Samantha Bennett for The Organized Artist Company’s new live teleclass/webinar:

Shadow Goals
Thursday, Feb. 16th
9:45am – 11am (pacific time)

Click here to register for free & you’ll get the recording, too.

You can:
– dial in via phone
– listen via streaming audio
– watch online
– download a copy after the event

Together we’ll pull back the curtain on YOUR Shadow Goals and replace all that icky feeling with



that energize you & help you become your very best self.
You are going to love this. I guarantee.

—–> Click here to register for free now

Remember: The World Needs Your Art.

Thought for Today
“Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night.”
~Terri Guillemets

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