Who am I?

The short story is …

… I’m a happily retired public school educator, stepping into the ‘spotlight’ to share a unique journal-writing process that’s helped me discover who I am, why I’m here, and how to have fun following my purpose passionately on this planet.  Currently, I’m collaborating with a publishing company regarding a book I’ve written, and with a web designer for my ‘official’ online site at LabyrinthJournal.com as I share my vision for and develop my online entrepreneurial business.

The true spirit of my work is to build bridges for those who feel cut off from themselves,  bring joy and freedom to their daily lives (delighting in who they are, just as they are with no modifications needed) through playful interaction with unique journal writing processes.  This site is an intermediary playground in which to meet & have fun interacting with others attracted to giraffes, risk-taking through writing, mindful reflection and self-exploration.  A more detailed version of my story is here. I’m delighted you’ve dropped by and hope you’ll return to play along.

Hugs and blessings,


4 Responses to Who am I?

  1. Bill Larsen says:

    Congratulations and the best of wishes. I have several friends who have hit the Amazon charts with their recent books. You have the talent.

    • Virginia says:

      Thanks so much for your visit, congratulations, good wishes and encouragement … (exhaling & letting it all in deeply before continuing to type) … creating a vision of my book selling at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc.

      ‘Tis good to be reminded that this introduction of myself and my work is here. I confess I’d forgotten all about this page, but it’s fun to read what I wrote back in mid-September when I created Giraffe Journal. Methinks I’ll want to update this in the near future once I finish working with Vrinda Normand during October and November 😉
      Hugs and blessings,

  2. Very very cool labyrinth drawings. I followed your link from Isabel Parlett’s site. You had a comment about the power of encouragement. I am currently writing about that also – its power has been underused in the midst of all our to do and productivity focuses. I’ve worked with more coaches who need to be awakened to its energizing and inspiring power. You must have been a dynamic teacher! And still are in this incarnation of it. If you need any help with your web site(s), perhaps my services would be be what you seek. Best to you. Blessings.

    • Virginia says:

      Thanks for your visit. I’m glad you found me at Isabel’s, enjoyed my labryinth pieces, and left the link back to your website. How serendipitous that you’re a Web Designer! I enjoyed talking with you on the phone recently and truly appreciate the questions you asked along with the suggestions you made. I’ve done some exploratory experimentation with Weaver2010 at my Labryinth Journal site but will need more time to figure things out on my own. I checked out Aweber and learned they charge just $1 for a 30-day trial … so perhaps I’ll give it a go sometime soon. As for encouragement, methinks that’s something we all need and I look forward to reading what you have to share on the subject.
      Hugs and blessings,

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