I spotted this sign some years ago
in a small town near Taos, New Mexico
and believe it accurately describes my life of late.
Click to embiggen the image if it’s too small to read.
I’ve been writing, reading, gardening, taking photographs, playing with Molly, hanging out with my sister and a few friends, clearing a bit of clutter when I can, and working with Isabel Parlett to figure out what the heck I really want to do and how to communicate it to others in ways I can be understood. I’ve checked in and shared some at Facebook, but what I haven’t done is publish with any regularity here at Giraffe Journal or on my Labyrinth Journal website ~ something that makes me free sad because I had such good intentions when I started this site in September of 2010 ~ just about 18 months ago.
Like my labyrinth writing, life seems to be a meandering path ~ sometimes of our own choosing and other times not. We encounter benefits and liabilities along the way ~ challenges and opportunities. In my experience, the way in which we respond to whatever comes shapes both the moment at hand and whatever comes next. I’ve always been an optimist at heart, even in times of trouble ~ looking for the rainbow after the storm and the pony in the pile of poop. So it is that I find growing older a blessing in so many ways, and when I encountered this video yesterday on Facebook I had to pass it along on one of my public Facebook pages. Methinks I’ll share it here as well to set the stage for and put into context the labyrinth pieces to follow. Click to look and listen for a few minutes and you’ll get a better sense of what’s happening for me right now.
This morning when I logged on to Facebook to wish my sister and another friend from Taos in 2010 a happy birthday, I noticed another friend had passed along the video on her wall and what she wrote made my mind take flight as my pen moved on the page of my journal as follows:
Click play to listen to me read this labyrinth piece.

Click play to listen to me read this labyrinth piece.

Click play to listen to me read this labyrinth piece.

The next thing I did was type the information in these labyrinth pieces into the ‘Mojo in the Message Forum’ where I’m working currently with Isabel Parlett and a handful of others like myself seeking to clarify ‘message’ to connect with others ~ identifying a ‘sweet spot audience’ after having developed a ‘True Spirit of my Work’ message with her several months ago.
Next I took Molly for a walk, fed my flowering plants, cooked and ate breakfast while scanning the pieces to share, started to publish them on my website but reconsidered and put them here instead ~ sticking my neck out Giraffe style ~ hanging out near the grove of Acacia trees ~ gnoshing without taking unnecessary risks prematurely. So … now that I’ve shared, I’m interested to learn what resonates with readers and hope you’ll let me know either in comments below or in email.
Thought for today:
“Each one of us has to find his peace from within. And peace, to be real, must be unaffected by outer circumstances.”
Virginia: I love your labyrinth pieces. Visually they are so powerful! It’s also very nice to hear you read them. When I write in my notebook, I often write in circles or sideways just to shake things up. I can be more honest when I do this, which I find interesting. Blessings to you in your work and on your journey. So lovely to connect with you.
I appreciate your visit to my blog and your feedback about the labyrinth pieces I’ve shared. How fascinating to learn of the ways writing in circles or sideways in your journal ‘shakes things up’ for you, allowing you to be more honest. I feel much the same when I let myself write ‘labyrinth’ style in my journal. I’m relieved to know you were able to hear the audio since another friend indicated she wasn’t able to listen on this visit. ‘Tis good to connect with YOU as well.
Hugs and blessings,
Kept me smiling throughout that video. What a gift for International Women’s Day!
I’m glad you enjoyed watching the video. Thanks for letting me know.
Hugs and blessings,
I see the following on the INSIDE of my WordPress site, but nothing shows up on the outside this morning even though I’ve tried to leave a reply.
Submitted on 2012/03/08 at 10:54 am
Hi Virginia,
Love the video and tried to read as much as I could as I can’t get the audio to work. We women are beautiful and full of wisdom and as we get older it only gets better. I celebrate my age everyday and the freedom it has brought me.
Here’s my reply:
I’m not sure why your comment doesn’t show up on the outside of my blog Joan, but I’m glad to know you dropped by and enjoyed the video. I’m sorry you weren’t able to hear the audio. Perhaps there’s a connection between why your comment doesn’t show up and your inability to listen. Have you been able to listen to previous audios I wonder? Thanks so much for your comment. If it doesn’t show up when I post my reply, perhaps I’ll experiment with ways to make your comment and my response visible. Gotta love the challenges of technology that Lissa Boles would say are related to the planets currently in retrograde.
Hugs and blessings,