‘Round and around we go …
where we stop, nobody knows,
but the ride itself is joyful and FUN
(in oh so many unexpected ways)
when we ‘play with’ rather than WORK at
finding solutions to whatever situations arise.
Danielle LaPorte … in the first Fire Starter turned SPARK Kit video (on the password protect page) asks: What would it be like if everything in your life, career, and vocation came to you easily? then adds … You might get more of what you want.
What a concept!
What might life be like if …
we allowed it to be easy rather than hard
if we pursued the path of least resistance … going WITH rather than AGAINST the flow?
What if the real challenge rests in …
getting out of your own way
leveraging your strengths to get your work out into the world
pursuing things passionately purposefully and playfully in compassionately forgiving ways?
She’s not talking about the kind of ‘easy’ that comes from laziness, but rather about the ‘QUALITY’ easy that has ‘a gravitational pull to it’ and a ‘sense of grace within you rising’ … expansively in a compelling way. She suggests NOT pushing yourself when things feel too hard, but rather following the ‘8 second rule’ in which you ‘trust your intuition to guide you to say yes, no, and maybe’ … labeling this the ‘Law of Allowing’ … remembering ‘passion is easy’ … and I think that’s especially true once we clear away the weeds & rubble within and around us and decide to surrender to surprise.
How delightful to find permission for such playfulness now that I’ve committed myself to my own passionate pursuit of purpose! It feels like synchronicity and synergy propelling me forward with an exuberant YES … follow your desire and delight and know those meant to read your words will find and accept you … just as you are … meanderings and all!
So … I’ve shared labyrinth pieces with more regularity at my website:
Synchronicity and Truth
Forgiveness, Compassion, Gratitude, and Speaking our Truth
Labyrinth Elevator Message
What I’ve come to know recently …
Clarifying Conversations …
Clearing the way to my ‘ideal’ audience …
and if all goes as planned, there will be another set of pieces with audio recordings added later today.
I feel as though things are ‘falling into place’ … finally. I understand how I’ve been ‘clearing the way’ within myself for this new path ahead by using whatever methods and techniques I encounter to release limiting doubts, fears, worries, and concerns which no longer serve me (or anyone else) … including but not limited to people I encountered ‘virtually’ through ‘The Tapping Summit’ (ala Jessica and Nick Ortner) and a variety of ‘fringe’ experiences shared in two New Wealth interview series conducted by Darius Barazandeh and Jeneth Blackert. ‘Tis wonderful to know there are so many wonderful ‘resources’ out there to choose from … and we don’t have to use them all!
So … on this Sunday morning when I’m just about to place my weekly call to Jan (my 2007 Taos writing buddy) who lives in Minnesota, I close by wishing you a restful relaxing Sunday to rejuvenate yourself for the week ahead. Remember to RELAX and pursue YOUR dreams with passion and purpose PLAYFULLY with joy-filled anticipation and excitement! When you do, everybody wins