Sound files have been added below and I’m adding this update on 3-25-11
I apologize for taking so long to keep the promise I made on February 28th when I shared these 4 pieces initially with good intentions for adding sound files soon thereafter. At that time I believed it had been too long between posts and I wanted to add something to let you know I’m still writing every day. These pieces are from February 22nd, the day before my 66th birthday. During the past few weeks I’ve considered simply removing the post and adding something different, but the messages contained within these labyrinth writings still resonate with me … so I’ve left them in place hoping to find time to record and add the sound files.
Life had other plans for me and lots has happened in the past few weeks. I’ve been writing like crazy gathering material for my book. I’ve filled one journal and started another which is already half complete already. Clarity has emerged as I’ve leaned into rather than avoiding or resisting the confusion & chaos. I’ve created a new website called Labyrinth Journal (I hope you’ll want to visit there soon as time permits) and plan to add to it regularly while keeping this blog current as well. I’m hoping the website will become a ‘business’ while this blog will remain a place to share my journey in a more conversational way and that each will help spread the message that writing can be a meditative act to enrich your life as it has mine. I’ve added a second public page at Facebook … Writing the Labyrinth to Access Inner Wisdom about the website in addition to the first one I created initially and called Virginia at Giraffe Journal to be associated with this blog.
I’ll probably ‘clean up’ the ‘graphic versions’ shared here to get rid of the messy black marks at the corners around the edges because I want to add my name electronically or an actual signature to each … just because. That will take me a while, but it’s on my list and I’ll get around to it eventually. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy the sound clips of me reading the pieces and let me know what you think in comments or email. If you do some labyrinth writing of your own and decide to share, that would be very ‘kewl’ as well … but it’s perfectly okay to keep your writing to yourself or share it just with close friends if that feels right. If you have a blog and decide to publish labyrinth pieces yourself, I hope you’ll add a link back here or to my Labyrinth Journal website and/or send a link in email so I can visit.
Click play to hear me read this piece:

Click play to hear me read this piece:

Click play to hear me read this piece:

Click play to hear me read this piece:

Thought for today:
“Life is not the way it’s supposed to be, it’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.”
Virginia Satir
Beautifully narrated! Your voice alone is soothing. Your message universal.
I appreciate your visit and feedback. I’ve wanted to add sound because I know these pieces are nearly impossible to read on the computer, but things kept getting in the way. I’m glad I finally got around to it … and that you found the post so quickly. Thanks so much.
Hugs and blessings,
Great Virginia,
its great to both listen and read them.. Thankyou. I also love the quote from the other Virginia! Dana
I appreciate your comment here, at the GYBD Live FB page, and your support in spreading the word about ‘labyrinth writing’ on your wall at Facebook too. Each bit of supportive feedback makes it easier for me to allow my writing to become ‘visible’ (and audible) in the world, which in turn makes it possible for me to encourage others to experiment with their own writing processes. Together we can do so much more than any of us achieves alone. Thanks so much.
Hugs and blessings,
Love the audio combined with the visual labyrinths! My eyes “hear” your thoughts sliding and turning and circling. I just love this.
I appreciate your enthusiastic response which made me smile as I read it just now. I clicked on your link and enjoyed your creative work as well. ‘Tis nice to encounter you in this ‘virtual’ world and I’m grateful for the technology which allows such connections. Thanks so much for your visit. I hope you’ll return as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,