Three steps forward, two steps back …

QVMRF955EQCQ (please ignore the numbers … it’s my Technorati claim # and I’ll delete this once I’m verified)

I apologize (and forgive myself) for allowing so much time pass without publishing anything new here.  Although it FEELS like I’m standing still, in reality I am moving forward (and back) … then forward (and back) again repeatedly … making progress toward specific goals as I hold the intention to publish my first Labyrinth Journal and see what happens.   I’m exceedingly grateful to friends who have offered encouragement, support, and useful suggestions to make the project better. You know who you are and I’m excited to share what I’ve written about your assistance in the ‘acknowledgment’ pages … but not today.

The whirlwind pace of December’s activities left minimal time for the computer, and I’ve been digging myself out of the seemingly endless abyss of email … wondering if I’ll ever empty my Inbox(es) even as I systematically unsubscribe to lists … limiting future incoming information as I repeat to myself … simplify … simplify … simplify … meditatively.

A few constants remain no matter what. I arise early (around 4am give or take an hour) and light a candle then write in my journal (after feeding the fur-kids and making coffee) … listening to classical music or an inspiring interview … reflecting on passages from a book (currently The Book of Awakening: Having the Life you Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo) before I consult my calendar to see scheduled activities. I’m relaxing gradually into a sense of trust that what I need comes when I need it so there’s no need to hold on to everything all the time.

Serendipitous practical evidence (in the form of remembered experience) abounds in my life to support this truth. I know that I am safe in the world and supported by forces in the Universe when I’m clear on the WHAT of my intention even when I have no clue HOW to proceed. I believe that we ALL are safe and supported in this way. When we slow down and breathe, clarity emerges and help arrives in the most unexpected ways. There’s no need to exhaust myself by trying to do anything (or everything) all at once perfectly. Remembering that my best is always good enough and any mistakes I make along the way become opportunities to learn & grow helps me relax and trust in ‘Divine’ timing.

If you’ve been spinning your wheels on something you really want to do, I highly recommend you set aside time to listen to this call.  If you’re busy today and can’t listen, sign up anyway and you’ll receive a recording of the call in email so you can listen later … repeatedly as needed.

Procrastination Is Genius In Disguise – 2011 Edition
Free Teleclass – just call in from wherever you are!

Thursday, Jan. 20th
9:45am-11am (Pacific Time)

You can register for the call and  get free copy of the recording by going HERE:

You you’re correct if you think I’m a Big Fan and an affiliate of The Organized Artist Company.

Earlier this week I had an informative phone conversation with Samantha about web development and account management … specifically Infusionsoft as it compares with other options like Aweber, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc. … and she suggested several other resources … PDF Pen (which seems to be a Mac product) and Blurb (another self-publishing company) for me to check out as I move ahead.  I signed up for today’s free call the minute I learned about it (and her next round of online sessions too) because the work I did with her last Fall was tremendously helpful. I’m sure I’ll get more done in the next two months with her in my corner.

Yesterday I talked with Sandra Herkowitz of Authentic Web Creation on the phone about getting my Labyrinth Journal website up & running with a ‘personalized & professional’ appearance and an automated system for email marketing, customer relationship and a shopping cart.  It seems I have lots of decisions to make in the days ahead, but I really enjoyed our conversation and expanded my awareness of resources available for WordPress customization.  I experimented a bit with 2010 Weaver at my Labyrinth Journal site and explored various plug in options for ‘SEO’ and ‘auto responders’ and installed a few, but I haven’t activated them yet because I didn’t have any more time to play there yesterday.

I thought I’d never take the plunge but I have a Twitter account as of yesterday afternoon (thanks to Anita Crawford Clark who led a wonderfully informative ‘webinar’ about Social Media & Marketing for the members of the Get Your Book Done group) so if you’re on Twitter you can find and follow me.

There’s more to share but I’m out of time.  Since I started this draft yesterday and didn’t get back to it until today, I’m going to let this be ‘good enough’ and hit the publish tab as soon as I add a link to some beautiful sunrise photos I captured on 1-11-11 with my Nikon D60 and shared recently at Facebook along with a ‘quote’ below … just because.  I hope all’s well with you and yours and I wish you a delightful day.

Thought for Today
“Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther.
Thomas Carlyle

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4 Responses to Three steps forward, two steps back …

  1. jzr says:

    Life is like that, Virginia! Glad to know you are still kicking it up out there in the big world.

    • Virginia says:

      Thanks Joan,
      Knowing you and others are out there creating & sharing your art while supporting me as I struggle to share mine helps sooooo much!!!
      Hugs and blessings,

  2. Gail says:

    Sorta glad you haven’t been publishing, cuz I sort haven’t been listening. I do love your pix and your sharing your authentic self so freely.

    I missed the Procrastination call today, as I had physical therapy on my shoulder and then did yoga class. When I heard more snow might be coming in, I knew I had to give the dogs a good walk They don’t like to go out when the ground is wet. I picked up 12 packets of poopettes–from our DRIVEWAY yesterday. What happened to that soft green stuff that used to be here for us? they seemed to say.

    I wish I had a blog to express my thoughts and share writing, but I don’t want to take the time right now. I am struggling to finish, finally and forever finish one of the stories I had brought to Taos to work on and then didn’t Had a new inspiration, as you may remember.

    I’ll figure out how to hear the Sam call. I don’t have an MP3 (how embarrassing!)

    • Virginia says:

      I appreciate your visit and comment. How lovely to know you enjoy my pictures and what I write. Putting it all out there remains an on-going challenge, but (like Nike says) … “Just Do It” seems to be working for me. Blogging semi-anonymously as ‘storyteller’ and ‘happily retired gal’ from 2007-2010 at my previous Blogs certainly paved the way for me to share my authentic self here more easily. I’m grateful to Kara and others from the 2007 retreat who encouraged and assisted me on that journey. When you’re ready to create a blog and begin, I’ll be happy to assist and support you as they did me.

      As for missing Sam’s call … she’d be the first to congratulate you for taking care of your needs as you did by going to physical therapy, yoga class and walking the dogs. As for MP3 players … I never had one until I got my Palm Pre Phone last summer, but you can listen to MP3 recordings on your computer … and once you get your iPhone, it will contain a player so you’ll be able to listen on the go too.

      ‘Tis wonderful to know you’re continuing to work on your story. I do recall your ‘inspiration’ in Taos and I loved listening to the piece you shared about your childhood awareness. One day I hope you’ll share your marvelous stories with the world … on a blog or in print! People need to hear and/or read your truth to remember their own.

      Hope the snow melts and you get some warmer weather soon.
      Hugs and blessings,

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