My Christmas card this year ended up a ‘mini-book’ comprised of six labyrinth pieces and I share the pages here today along with audio recordings of me reading them aloud … just because 😉
Today’s world calls for our conscious attention and creative ideas leading to unique solutions to existing problems. This past year I’ve used the following words (spoken by Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: the Next Generation) at the end of my emails as a reminder to myself:
“Things are only impossible until they’re not.”
I offer it here as a thought to carry with you in 2011 along with my heart-felt encouragement to do what you love each day ‘forcing nothing and holding nothing back’ … because I believe it’s important for each of us to remember who we are and why we’re here on earth right now … then ‘show up’ and BE uniquely ourselves … just as we are … while encouraging others to do likewise … celebrating our differences even as we appreciate the shared characteristics of being human. A Course in Miracles teaches that the thoughts of God are 180 degrees from the thinking of the world. Since we see what we look for, let’s choose to seek and find what we really want.
May the Spirit of Christmas
be with you all year long!
Hugs and blessings,
Thought for today:
“When in doubt, show up early.
Think less. Feel more. Ask once.
Give thanks. Expect the best.
Appreciate everything.
Never give up. Make it fun.
Lead. Invent. Regroup. Wink. Chill. Smile.
And live as if your success was inevitable,
and so it shall be.”
– Notes from the Universe
An amazingly beautiful piece ~ a gorgeous Christmas Gift. Thank you, my dear friend, for sharing this and reading it in your soothing, delicious voice.
Merry Christmas to you and blessings for a peaceful journey in 2011.
I am incorporating the ” Choosing Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All as a walking mantra” as part of my daily journey.
Blessings to you.
Sweet Virginia, This is beautiful — the words but also your voice reading them with such loving heart. I love that you record these in your voice where your visitors and fans can here them coming from you exactly as you intended them. Thank you for sharing yourself and your creations! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Love to you, Shannon
lyrics infused with the light of Christmas-beautiful, Virginia
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Sharon, Shannon, and Rosemary:
Thanks so much for your visits and your supportive words. Recently at Facebook I shared the following quote: “One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.” John O’Donohue
Encouraged is what I feel today upon finding your comments here. It’s not easy for me to share my labyrinth creations, but currently I feel ‘called’ to do so and am honoring my intuitive inspiration by publishing bits & pieces here at Giraffe Journal while I compile a collection to be published with Vervante soon. My intention is to pass along lessons I’ve learned while offering encouragement & inspiration to others to explore their own personal creative inclinations. In the words of Rumi: “Let the beauty we love be what we do.”
Hugs and blessings,
Well, Sugar, January disappointed me, so I’m declaring tomorrow, 2/1/2011, New Year’s Day, so I’m tickled to find this (wish I could tell you how I got here) tonight. Such fun. So inspiring. Muchly, greatly enjoyed.
I hope that February and March have been better for you than January was. Thanks so much for your visit and comment. I recall reading it some time ago and thought I had responded. Perhaps I sent email instead? Of course, things have been slipping through the proverbial cracks lately because I’m trying to do so much all at once. I’m glad to know you found your visit fun and inspiring and hope you’ll return as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,