Category Archives: AboutMe

In which I follow up on yesterday’s post … reflectively

It’s 5:20am I arose more than two hours ago intended to write & publish this ‘follow up’ to yesterday’s post in which I reflect on the remaining questions posed by my friend last week: What have I learned? Where do … Continue reading

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What’s happened in the past year?

A dear friend posed a series of questions to me yesterday and asked that I write my responses as a favor to her.  Although it’s raining unexpectedly and I had less than two hours sleep last night because of ‘partying’ … Continue reading

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‘Tis a gift to be simple and free …

Music travels with me … arising spontaneously as if in answer to questions of my mind and prayers of my heart. I remember my absolute amazement the first time I heard Bette Midler on my car radio singing ‘God is … Continue reading

Posted in AboutMe, lessons, progress update, stories | Tagged | 1 Comment

Embracing Confusion …

Press play to hear me read this piece. Audio is 1:33 in length: P What an interesting experience it’s been trying to share this on my Virginia at Giraffe Journal page using the ‘Notes’ function at Facebook.  Previously I’ve simply … Continue reading

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